
Free Hygiene Appointment Worth £94.50 When You Book a New Patient Exam

Free Hygiene Appointment Worth £94.50 When You Book a New Patient Exam

Dental Sedation: Will I Feel Anything?

When visiting the dentist it’s natural to worry. However, the advancements being made in dentistry and in dental sedation means that there is little for the patient to worry about. We all want and deserve free pain dentistry.

If a dentist is going to carry out a painful procedure, then they will normally administer an anaesthetic. The type of anaesthetic you receive can depend on the treatment you’re having and the dentists you’re attending.

pain free dentistry

Pain-Free Dentistry | Nitrous Oxide

Although not a dental sedation per se, the use of nitrous oxide does relax patients.  In addition, it makes them more stable during problematic dentistry. Nitrous oxide is administered via a mask over the mouth of the patients.

Patients may feel a sense of euphoria as the work is undertaken. But they are normally fine to carry on with the daily affairs soon after the appointment.

Pain-Free Dentistry | Oral Sedation

As the name implies, this form of dental sedation is taken orally, normally in tablet form. Oral sedation can make patients feel drowsy. However, they will still be awake and be able to answer questions.

In some instances, patients may become groggy and fall asleep. This is common and is nothing to worry about.

Pain-Free Dentistry | IV Sedation

IV sedation isn’t a common method. It can be used if patients happen to be experiencing severe anxiety before the appointment.

When attending a dentist’s appointment, it can be useful to have a friend or family member take you, as you may not be able to drive afterwards, plus it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Regardless of the treatment, there will often be a form of dental sedation in place to make the process pain-free.

If you’re unsure as to which method of dental sedation is for you, then it can be worthwhile contacting your dentist to discuss your requirements in more detail.

If you’re looking to enjoy the benefits of pain-free dentistry, this is just one way that you can control your dental phobia. And you’ll be pleased to hear that it is something that we offer, here at Oakley Dental. Do not hesitate and contact us today.

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