Important Information about Coronavirus (COVID-19)
For our team members and patient safety, we are following the latest government guidelines on Covid-19 and as a result the practice is closed for at least the next 3 weeks which is just after the Easter weekend. This means, like every other dental practice, we are not able to provide any treatment even in emergencies and to avoid face-to-face interaction.
We are able to offer telephone advice by calling 07493 674745 and there will be times when we can do a video consultation, or equally you can e-mail the practice.
Please join us on Facebook @oakleydentalprestwich or Instagram @oakleydental_prestwich for the latest news of what we are doing.
Rest assured we will hit the ground running when we are able to open again.
Take care and follow all the government advice regarding social contact so we, as a nation, can beat this beastly virus.
Emergency treatment will be available at selected clinics, of which we are still to be notified. Treatment will be limited to those with the following conditions:
- Facial swelling extending to your eye or neck. If swelling is affecting your vision or breathing, go straight to A+E
- Persistent bleeding following a tooth extraction or trauma
- Nerve exposed following trauma
- Pain or swelling not responding to painkillers or antibiotics
- Dental conditions that have resulted in acute and severe systemic illness or likely to exacerbate systemic medical conditions
Infection control has always been a top priority. Our practice follows stringent standards of infection control so that when you receive care, it is both safe and comfortable. We are now focusing on new practice protocols in order to operate a safe and efficient dental practice for all our patients, our staff and our wider community following the COVID-19 crisis.
You will note some changes when it is time for your next appointment. We are making these changes and revising our protocols to help protect you, our patients, and our team.
Before you arrive at the practice, we will ask you to:
- Thoroughly brush your teeth just before arrival
- Wash your hands for 20 seconds before leaving your home
- Complete a pre-appointment screening process
When at the practice, we will ask you to:
- Use hand sanitizer and to wear personal protective items when you arrive which may include disposable gloves, masks, shoe covers and hair covers (we will provide these items for you)
- Allow us to take your temperature
- Complete a screening process questionnaire
To ensure a safe environment, we will:
- Clearly mark out respecting social distance recommendations
- Manage appointments to allow for social distancing between patients
- Set up a daily health screening checkpoint and log for the screening of all staff entering the workplace
- Minimise staff interaction
- Equip our dental staff with additional PPE when in surgery
- Decontaminate communal areas prior to practice opening, at lunchtime and at the end of the day
- Use video and phone consultations whenever possible
- Remove newspapers and magazines from the waiting room
As and when we hear advice from our professional governing bodies, we will keep you updated. Regardless of whether we are open or closed, you can still contact us.
We look forward to seeing you again and are happy to answer any questions you may have about the steps we are implementing to keep you, and every patient, safe in our practice.
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